10-14-2023 1:00 pm.c.t.: FREE USPA Masterclass #47 “Mechanical Occultism – A Goethean Journey into Psychotronics” with John Ech. For mor info and a link to attend, click John’s Photo. If you are interested in being a sponsor for this Masterclass, contact Scott at uspsychotronics@yahoo.com
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About this Masterclass
John Ech of aetherforce.energy will discuss the Goethean scientific framework as a practical counterbalance to the one-eyed, color-blind misconceptions of materialist reductionism. The morphology of living systems, the nature of light and color, as well as Rudolf Steiner’s formative forces may be cognized by emphasizing the cosmogenic role of polarities, particularly the metamorphic interchange between expansion and contraction. These concepts may serve as foundation stones for the development of Mechanical Occultism which involves interacting with technology through the living rhythms of your etheric body. This leads to the question: Are Radionics and Radiesthesia the germinal technologies and techniques for the emergence of Mechanical Occultism?
About John Ech
John Ech studied mechanical engineering and biology in college, initially embracing materialism and atheism as he rebelled against his Catholic upbringing. While studying for a Buddhism class, a transformative quote sparked an obsession with the potential of the human mind. This in turn ignited an lifelong pursuit of knowledge not limited to mainstream acceptance. Dissatisfied with new age quantum interpretations, he found refuge in the qualitative research of vital energies through the Borderland Research & Science Foundation.
In 2015, John assumed operations of Aether Force (https://aetherforce.energy) and shaped it into an archival service for the qualitative sciences. He soon began practicing Radionics, BioGeometry, & Radiesthesia while studying the pioneers of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics like Walter Russell, John Keely, Viktor Schauberger, & Rudolf Steiner. To deepen his studies of the formative forces, John facilitated study groups discussing Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the development of science and technology. These studies opened up his worldview to the Goethean process as an experiential approach to read the scripts of nature.
Upcoming Aether Force projects include study groups, courses, mind maps, wikis, podcasts and documentaries, & expanding the 500+ articles on the website. Long term goals include the development of a laboratory and farm to test the qualitative sciences.
Here’s the Link again: JOHN ECH