Browse our SHOP HERE! We have a great selection of Video, Audio and pdf Proceedings from previous USPA Conferences.
SAVE the DATES: July 17-20th, 2025
USPA’S 42nd Conference – Crystal Lake , IL
Holiday Inn’s
Elara Conference Center
Details on Speakers, Vendors, Workshops
and Registration
Coming Soon!
Join us in the summer of 2025 to celebrate
USPA’s 50th anniversary!!!!
Memberships are $35/yr. or $90/3 yrs.
We offer discounts for current Full-time Students or Military members.
Please see our “Join” page.
Click on Events page to Register for the next Masterclass. Past MC’s are in the members area for Online viewing and for Sale in the Shop. The list of MC’ speakers are Glen Rein, Dan Davidson, John Allocca, Dan Winter, Duncan Laurie, The Radionics Roundtable Q/A, Dannion Brinkley, Sky David, Obolensky and Nichols, Ellen Kamhi, Jeremy Gin, PMH Atwater, David Oates, Dennis Stillings, Dan Mangum, Glen Rein and Annaliese Reid, Marc Seifer, Pete Radatti, Michael Andron, Ed Kelly, Kathy Forti, Beverly Rubik , Libby Rutledge, John Ech, Courtney Brown, Marty Lucas, Jerry Wills, Lutie Larsen, Stanley Krippner, Linda Lancaster, Andrew Michrowski, Toby Grotz, Dan Rodgers ...
The 2025 Masterclass Lineup
January 18, 2025 50th USPA Aniversary Special: MC#60 Beverly Coleman “Revisiting the The Butterfly Buddha”
February 15, 2025 Dr. Rick Leskowitz “The Mystery of Life Energy”
If you have not done so, to receive email notices of all USPA Masterclasses and Newsletters, enter your email in the little box at the top of this page!
The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) defines psychotronics as the science of mind-body-environment relationships, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness. Psychotronics involves the study, research, and applications of the physics and technology of the mind, brain, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature – Psychotronics = Psycho (Mind) + Tronics (Device)- hence the term “psychotronics”. We believe that a true understanding of the universe must include the spiritual, as well as, the technical, and provide an opportunity for amateur researchers to present their findings along with the professionals. We stress research, with documentation of results, and practical applications, rather than personal experience and unsupported hypotheses.
The USPA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1975 to serve as a focal point for scientific and technical exploration of the universe of esoteric, spiritual, and psychic arts in the United States of America.
The USPA has been hosting annual conferences for its membership since 1975. We’ve served as a focal point for scientific and technical exploration of the universe of esoteric, spiritual, and psychic arts in the United States of America.
Bridging Science, Spirit, Mind and Technology
Cutting-edge viewpoints, research, or theories to share
Supplementary workshops and vendors
Exclusive membership-only content
Archives of newsletters and past conferences

Full Time Student Membership & Military Membership – $20.00
The USPA is the place for people who wish to interact, exchange ideas, and collaborate with other people. USPA is for those who are interested in Psychotronics, Radionics, Subtle Energy, Light-Sound Therapies, Free Energy and the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness.