USPA Library Masterclass Chat, Transcript and Bonus Room

Beginning in mid 2019, USPA has been offering special free, live, monthly Masterclasses via Zoom. They are available to anyone in the world. We’ve had viewers from all 50 states and several countries!

We continued to present these through the pandemic and the series is ongoing as of this writing (May, 2024). All of the Masterclasses are recorded and are still available! Paid members of USPA can click on the MEMBERS tab, sign in and and view them at no cost, (along with over 110 other video and audio presentations.) The recordings are also available for purchase in our SHOP. At this point there at 55 Masterclass videos! 

During many of these presentations, there was a lively chat going on it the Zoom sidebar. Many questions posed in the chat were covered by the speaker in the Q & A session at the end of the presentation.

Occasionally, a presenter would send USPA a follow-up document to share with answers to some questions that could not be covered due to time constraints. The Chats and Bonus documents are a great “addendum” to the videos of the Zoom class.

Also, we have been able to download a written transcript of the more recent Masterclasses. [DISCLAIMER: As these transcriptions are mechanically produced, they may not be 100% accurate and USPA does not claim that they are. They are presented only as a supplement for those who are hard of hearing or may wish to see a written transcript.]

Masterclass Zoom Chats, Transcripts and Bonus Documents

Masterclass #55 Chat  -An interview with Renown Parapsychology Researcher Stanley Krippner 

Masterclass #55 Transcript An interview with Renown Parapsychology Researcher Stanley Krippner

Masterclass #54 Chat -French Radiesthesia, The Subtle Energy Spectrum, And Radionics with Dan Mangum (coming soon)

Masterclass #54 Transcript French Radiesthesia, The Subtle Energy Spectrum, And Radionics with Dan Mangum

Masterclass #53 Chat  –  Transforming Yourself from Muggle to Magician: Awakening Yourself as an Avatar With Darren Starwynn 

 Masterclass #53 Transcript –  Transforming Yourself from Muggle to Magician: Awakening Yourself as an Avatar With Darren Starwynn

Masterclass #52 ChatDNA as a Transducer of Subtle Energy with Glen Rein

Masterclass #52 TranscriptDNA as a Transducer of Subtle Energy with Glen Rein

Masterclass #51 Chat – Radionics in Home and Garden with Lutie Larsen

Masterclass #51 Transcript – Radionics in Home and Garden with Lutie Larsen

Masterclass #51 Bonus PowerPoint Slides Radionics in Home and Garden with Lutie Larsen

Masterclass #50 Zoom Chat- The Human Body: The Quintessential Radionics Conductor with Jerry Wills

Masterclass #50 Zoom Transcript- The Human Body: The Quintessential Radionics Conductor with Jerry Wills

Masterclass #49 Zoom Chat Balancing the Elementary Particles; an experiment in Radionics with Marty Lucas

Masterclass #49 Zoom Transcript Balancing the Elementary Particles; an experiment in Radionics with Marty Lucas

Masterclass #49 Zoom Bonus –  Radionic Rates from Balancing the Elementary Particles; an experiment in Radionics with Marty Lucas

Masterclass #48 Zoom Chat- Connecting Remote-Viewing Data with Replicable Video Evidence of Extraterrestrial Involvement with Earth with Courtney Brown

Masterclass #48 Zoom Transcript- Connecting Remote-Viewing Data with Replicable Video Evidence of Extraterrestrial Involvement with Earth with Courtney Brown

Masterclass #47 Zoom Chat- Mechanical Occultism – A Goethean Journey into Psychotronics with John Ech

Masterclass #47 Zoom TranscriptMechanical Occultism – A Goethean Journey into Psychotronics with John Ech

Masterclass #46 Zoom Chat- Energetically Imprinted Water with Libby Rutledge

Masterclass #45 Zoom Chat- How to Discern the Truth- Lessons from a Scientist with Beverly Rubik

Masterclass #44 Zoom Chat– Crystallization Patterns-Interaction Between Energetic And Biological -Ellen Kamhi

Masterclass #43 Zoom Chat Applying Mathematical Algorithms for Healing with Kathy Forti

Masterclass #42 Zoom Chat– Radionics, Radiesthesia and Rife Technologies with Ed Kelly

Masterclass #41 Zoom Chat  Stories of Andrija Puharich and Dr. Greta Woodrew healing -shared by Dr. Michael Andron.

Masterclass #40 Zoom Chat–  An Afternoon of Radionics with Pete Radatti

Masterclass #40 Zoom Bonus Pete’s Radionics Class Info

Masterclass #39 Zoom Chat-  Nikola Tesla: Wizard at War With Marc Seifer

Masterclass #38 Zoom Chat-  Sacred Geometry with John Allocca 2-18-20 23.pdf

Masterclass #37 Zoom Chat Reprogramming DNA with Glen Rein and Annalise Reid

Masterclass #36 Zoom Chat– The Human Aspect Of Radionics: Thoughts, Words, And Actions with Dan Mangum

Masterclass # 35 Zoom Chat– Archaeus Project with Dennis Stillings 

Masterclass #34 Zoom Chat – Reverse Speech with David Oates

Masterclass #33 Zoom Chat Near Death Experiences with PMH Atwater

Masterclass #32 Zoom Chat Science and Subtle Energies – A Path to I AM” with Jerry Gin

Masterclass #31 Zoom Chat Pineal Stimulation for higher Health and Consciousness with Ellen Kamhi

Masterclass #30 Zoom Chat  Experiences with Guy Obolensky and Preston Nichols with Al Kacperski and Al Rohde

Masterclass #29 Zoom Chat– The Luminous Radiance of the Human Lymph System with Sky David

Masterclass #28 Zoom Chat – 4-9-2022 What Dying Teaches You about Living with Dannion Brinkley .pdf

Masterclass #27 Zoom Chat – 3-19-2022 Radionic Panel Q & A with Ed Kelly, George Kuepper, Marty Lucas and Dan Taylor.pdf

Masterclass #26 Zoom Chat – 2-26-2022 The Potential of Radionics in Art & Music with Duncan Laurie .pdf

Masterclass #25 Zoom Chat – 2-05-2022 A Shape Power Revisited with Dan Winter .pdf

Masterclass #22 Zoom Chat – 11-20-2021 The Role of Longitudinal Scalar Energy with Glen Rein .pdf