USPA 2021

Master Class #22 Glen Rein, PhD presents “The Role of Longitudinal Scalar Waves and Bioenergy in the Healing Process”


Join us Saturday, 11/20/2021 for Glen's free Masterclass.  Healing is a complex orchestrated progression of four  phases which involves multiple cell types and a variety of signaling pathways. Quantum healing involves balancing the energies in [...]

Master Class #22 Glen Rein, PhD presents “The Role of Longitudinal Scalar Waves and Bioenergy in the Healing Process”2022-01-13T17:48:36-04:00

Masterclass #20 George Kuepper, Q&A Presentation – “Radionics in the Field; It REALLY WORKS”


September 25th, George Kuepper's presentation begins with his talk about his books, radionic gardening work, large-scale broadcasting to crops in Arkansas and his work to save Monarch butterflies; an open Q&A follows, much like our [...]

Masterclass #20 George Kuepper, Q&A Presentation – “Radionics in the Field; It REALLY WORKS”2021-10-27T09:15:06-04:00

Masterclass #18 Psychotronics – with Brooks Agnew


REGISTER HERE July 31, 2021, Brooks Agnew will give a one hour presentation, “Psychotronics.” In his book Remembering the Future, Brooks says, "In just a few moments, our mortal life will slip past most of us without [...]

Masterclass #18 Psychotronics – with Brooks Agnew2021-10-27T09:16:34-04:00