2018 Lauren Palmateer – Opening Organs of Perception The Human Body Antenna

2018 Lauren Palmateer – Opening Organs of Perception The Human Body Antenna


Relating modern science and technical discoveries with analogies to subtle energy science and the work of the French Radiesthessistes leads back to humane and sensitive science.


Opening Organs of Perception – The Human Body Antenna

Relating modern science and technical discoveries with analogies to subtle energy science and the work of the French Radiesthessistes leads back to humane and sensitive science.

  1. Current curiosities in science that support Radionics and Radiesthesia principles.
  2. Relationships between the human body antenna and new empirical discoveries in science.
  3. Ideas to mitigate electromagnetic fields: can one construct the electromagnetic “golden grid”
Lauren Palmateer
Lauren Palmateer has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and is an inventor on over 30 patents in the fields of semiconductors and display technologies. She worked in research institutions as Bell Labs, IBM Research and Observatory of Paris in semiconductor and microwave technologies and 4 startups in Silicon Valley in display technologies. Living in San Francisco, she is a consultant, technical advisor and patent analysist.


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