2018 Lutie Larsen – Quantum Agriculture in India 2018

2018 Lutie Larsen – Quantum Agriculture in India 2018


Agriculture in India is at a critical crossroad. Modern equipment and agricultural practices are changing traditional small market farming practices. Small farmers, family farms are the most vulnerable. Both organic and conventional methods are impacting Indian agriculture.


Quantum Agriculture in India 2018

Agriculture in India is at a critical crossroad. Modern equipment and agricultural practices are changing traditional small market farming practices. Small farmers, family farms are the most vulnerable. Both organic and conventional methods are impacting Indian agriculture. Many of these large farms are funded by the government and private organizations.

Lutie Larson
Lutie Larsen, a radionic researcher for more than 30 years is an excellent consultant for the use of the SE-5 equipment. She operates a research farm and is constantly running projects using energetic frequencies. She believes that “experience is the best teacher”.



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