Understanding what aether is and how it manifests leads to a new basis for physics. This has applications in commerce, industrial manufacturing, healing, faster than light communication, and the medical arts.
2018 Dan Davidson – Aetheric Physics Cosmic Structure and Aether Function
Cosmic Structure and Aether Functioning – The Universal Aether: Some of Its Laws and Operation
Understanding what aether is and how it manifests leads to a new basis for physics. This has applications in commerce, industrial manufacturing, healing, faster than light communication, and the medical arts. How the aetheric operates also provides a better view of dowsing, vastly improved radionics, healing energies, free energy, and gravitational physics.
- Learn what aether is and how to control it.
- Learn how our physical universe manifests.
- Learn new avenues of research that can provide solutions to modern-day problems.
Dan Davidson

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