2018 Dan Davidson – Aetheric Physics Cosmic Structure and Aether Function

2018 Dan Davidson – Aetheric Physics Cosmic Structure and Aether Function


Understanding what aether is and how it manifests leads to a new basis for physics. This has applications in commerce, industrial manufacturing, healing, faster than light communication, and the medical arts.


Cosmic Structure and Aether Functioning – The Universal Aether: Some of Its Laws and Operation

Understanding what aether is and how it manifests leads to a new basis for physics. This has applications in commerce, industrial manufacturing, healing, faster than light communication, and the medical arts. How the aetheric operates also provides a better view of dowsing, vastly improved radionics, healing energies, free energy, and gravitational physics.

  1. Learn what aether is and how to control it.
  2. Learn how our physical universe manifests.
  3. Learn new avenues of research that can provide solutions to modern-day problems.
Dan Davidson
Dan Davidson has degrees in Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, and extensive background in Signal Processing, Electromagnetics, Quantum Physics and Atomic Chemistry. Dan has 45 years as a Senior Scientist working for various aerospace companies. During college he devoted half time to school and the other half to researching alternative science. He has a consulting business for 13 years, hired by various high tech companies to solve difficult problems. Studying and experimenting with aether is ongoing and extensive.


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