2019 Beverly Rubik Wireless Radiation 5G and Our Health

2019 Beverly Rubik Wireless Radiation 5G and Our Health


The fascinating story of aether from Vedic philosophy to contemporary physics with special focus on new concepts of aether from Einstein to Bohm and beyond.


Wireless Radiation 5G and Our Health – Beverly Rubik & Harry Jabs

The 5th generation of wireless communication radiation for cell phones, WiFi modems, and related technology called “5G” is being deployed starting in 2019. The wireless telecom industry wants to install so-called “small-cell” antennas and their power supplies in our residential neighborhoods every 200 to 1000 feet. This includes frequencies corresponding to millimeter waves in the gigahertz range, previously used for military radar. These frequencies require a new type of phased array antennae that produce powerful narrow digitally pulsed beams that will be beamed-steered through our bodies and the environment incessantly. There are many issues and concerns about this technology and its potential impact on human health, animals, plants, and the environment. Some of the issues are: (1) lack of clear safety standards for these frequencies based on independent research; (2) the new syndrome of electrosensitivity associated with wireless radiation exposure, detrimental to our health, that is escalating; (3) microwave exposure as a causal factor in cancer; (4) exposure of pregnant women and children who are most vulnerable; (5) lack of inexpensive instrumentation to monitor our exposure to 5G radiation; and (6) use of 5G waves by the military in a weapon called “Active Denial.” The Federal Communications Commission has mandated a rapid rollout of 5G technology, while local communities are rising up against it. We will present both the viewpoint of the wireless telecom industry and what they hope to achieve with 5G versus citizen concerns regarding these issues, and more. We will discuss the science underlying 5G waves and their biological and environmental effects from the independent peer-reviewed scientific literature. We will delve into the declassified military uses of these frequencies. We will explain how to mitigate our exposure to wireless radiation in daily life. Finally, we will propose what is required to move forward safely with a new generation of communication frequencies, and what we can do in our local communities to institute more appropriate wireless telecom policies before it is too late.

What frequencies will be used for 5G and why are they so different from 4G? Why does the wireless telecom industry want to use these frequencies now?
Why is the 5G phased-array beam-steering such a health concern?
What are some of the non-thermal (no heating) effects from wireless radiation frequencies, and why are they detrimental to living organisms and humans?
How can we mitigate our exposure to wireless radiation for the sake of our health?

Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
United States Psychotronics Association, radionics, psychotronics, science, spirit, mind, technology, dowsing, supersensonics,Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. (biophysics) at University of California, Berkeley. She is internationally renowned for her research on the biofield and subtle energies and is president & founder of the Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit laboratory in Oakland, CA. She is also a professor, holistic health educator, and president-elect of the USPA.
Harry Jabs
Harry Jabs is a physicist formally educated in Germany and in the US. He is an experienced multidisciplinary scientist in the fields of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, electronics, mechanics, and material science. Going beyond currently accepted science, he is open to entirely new understandings of consciousness effects on living and material objects.



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