Spoon Bending – Jack Houck
PK Parties are events, somewhat unusual events, where people gather together to learn how to perform PK. PK stands for psychokinesis, or mind over matter! PK Parties work the best when people have fun and generate a lot of emotion, much like a party. Thus, I named them PK Parties.
Jack Houck

Jack Houck retired after 42 years of being a systems engineer for Boeing, the aerospace company. He had an MS degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Independently, he is a researcher of paranormal phenomena. Jack is the originator of Psychokinesis (PK) Parties, and is recognized as one of the foremost authorities in the world on the subject. He has given more than 360 of these workshops to over 17,000 people during the last 23 years, and maintained meticulous records on them.
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