1984 Andrija Puharich Potential Hazards to Agriculture of the Greenhouse Effect and Its Cure

1984 Andrija Puharich Potential Hazards to Agriculture of the Greenhouse Effect and Its Cure


Over 30 years ago, Andrija Puharich talked about the greenhouse effect at the 1984 USPA Conference. It is amazing how little progress has been made since then. Andrija Puharich is a versatile scientist and inventor, exploring the Psychic realms and much more.


Hazards of the Green House Effect – Andrija Puharich

Over 30 years ago, Andrija Puharich talked about the greenhouse effect at the 1984 USPA Conference. It is amazing how little progress has been made since then. Andrija Puharich is a versatile scientist and inventor, exploring the Psychic realms and much more.

Andrija Puharich
(February 19, 1918 – January 3, 1995) born Henry Karel Puharić — was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author. He was a well-educated man, a medical doctor who dedicated himself to investigate the power of the mind. He studied the people that could use just their minds to manipulate matter, the healers and the telepaths. He was mostly known as being the researcher who brought metal bender Uri Geller to the United States to have him studied under laboratory conditions at the Stanford Research Institute. He also wrote the book ‘Uri’ about his unusual experiences with this controversial man. It is about Uri’s amazing abilities, but also about the extra-terrestrials that contacted them and the Ufo’s they witnessed together. Obviously, the book was received with much controversy but it never stopped him seeking out the unknown and going out on a limb.



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