1983 Marcel Vogel The De La Warr Cameras its Theory and Operation

1983 Marcel Vogel The De La Warr Cameras its Theory and Operation


This lecture by Dr. Marcel Vogel is on the operation of the De La Warr Camera. This is a recording of his presentation from the 1983 USPA Conference. The De La Warr Camera stood over 5 feet tall and the internal workings were beautifully machined out of brass. Those who understand the mechanisms of consciousness through a radionic type device, know that, what you do to others, you do to yourself. All things are bound together. All things connect. So the latest evidence in quantum physics shows all things are “entangled” and indeed connect to each other.


De La Warr Camera – Marcel Vogel

This lecture by Dr. Marcel Vogel is on the operation of the De La Warr Camera. This is a recording of his presentation from the 1983 USPA Conference. The De La Warr Camera stood over 5 feet tall and the internal workings were beautifully machined out of brass. Those who understand the mechanisms of consciousness through a radionic type device, know that, what you do to others, you do to yourself. All things are bound together. All things connect. So the latest evidence in quantum physics shows all things are “entangled” and indeed connect to each other.

Marcel Vogel
(April 14, 1917-February 12, 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received over 100 patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24 ” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics. In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal. Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system. Website



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