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United States Psychotronics Association Conference
“The Art & Science of Energy Healing”

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Video Playback

For your convenience, we’ve taken the 2018 Friday’s speakers and sectioned them into their own videos.

Beverly Rubik – Overview of Psychotronics: Intention Meets Technology

Beverly opened up with a welcome then presented how psychotronics harnesses the power of intention to manifest the changes in the physical world and is at the cutting edge in exploring subtle energies and novel bio-signals.

Scott Beutlich – The Luminiferous Aether: Its Role in the History of Science

Conventional Physics eliminated Aether while ignoring great minds like Tesla and Dirac who described a “Sea of Energy”. Our next Paradigm shift, the Aether will return as the home of all forms of Subtle Energy, Free Energy and consciousness.

Mary Hardy – Pyramids Generate Scalar Waves and Create Orgone Energy as an Antenna with the Proper Orgone Covering

Mary discusses A unique “orgone pyramid’- one with an orgone-type covering, a layer of electric and dielectric material, created orgone energy that balanced out abnormalities in the Bermuda Triangle, Great Lakes Triangle, and weather anomalies such as tornadoes.

Marty Lucas – Programming Plants with Frequency Information

Marty Lucas is a full-time radionics practitioner and instructor. He specializes in cutting-edge research, building reagents and advanced protocols for radionic work. He discusses the following:

  1. DNA can be programmed with Radionics Frequencies.
  2. These frequencies can be passed to future generations
  3. This technique is more flexible and less costly than other genetic manipulation technologies.

Aimee Whalen – Using Etheric Energy to Heal

Our relationships with people are shaped by the interactions of our energies; by simply touching another person. Inherent in a diagnosis is the “shock.” In order to promote healing, it is imperative to clear the “shock.” Aimee is a story-teller and will share my experience and outcomes by presenting several case histories of my former patients and the importance of clearing the etheric energy.

JJ & Desiree Hurtak – The Power of Music and Sound for Mental Consciousness Upliftment

JJ & Desiree discuss the use of music and unique frequencies to trigger positive health results throughout the body and mind, showing new ways to help patients, for example, in their recovery from stokes, to improve heart rate variability (HRV), and for the raising of consciousness.

  1. Understanding the effects and power of music.
  2. Stimulation of brain regions for the raising of consciousness.
  3. Binaural beats and sub audible frequencies.

For your convenience, we’ve taken Saturday’s speakers and sectioned them into their own videos.

Jeffrey Mishlove – Highlights of Psi Research

Jeffrey highlights from 136 Years of Psi Research. Since the founding of the Society for Psychical Research in England in 1882, there has been an ongoing effort to scientifically define the boundaries and outer reaches of human consciousness. This presentation highlights the main findings that have been consistently observed for over a century.

Linda Lancaster – Understanding the Etheric Body: The 4 Ethers and Subtle Forces in Radionics

How does one understand the etheric body? The etheric body or the Vital Body interpenetrates the physical body and is held together by interpenetrating energy threads, streams, or lines of light. It is the receiver, assimilator, and transmitter of energy! Ether is the life force in every cell and atom of the physical body. Without it, there is no life. Dr. Linda Lancaster will bring awareness of the subtle field of ether.

Patrick Bailey – New Energy Technologies and the Scientific Basis of Alchemy

A review of advanced energy conversion technologies including so-called free energy devices, low energy nuclear reactions, and ancient alchemy. Recent discoveries are forcing a new look at what is truly possible.

  1. To understand that new sources of potential energy can lead to new exciting and applicable discoveries.
  2. To learn that not everyone wants new information to be shared or utilized by the general public.
  3. To understand that our view of physics is very simplistic and that much more is really possible.

Stephen Quong – The Case for Radionics Broadcasting of Sanskrit Mahamantras 

The presentation will discuss the use of some Maha Mantras as effective energetic talismans in radionic broadcasts, using analog, digital, or software type devices. The knowledge and techniques developed, tested, and proven by millions of people for thousands of years, can now be applied in the practice of modern radionics.

  1. An introduction to the Vedic tradition of Mantra Yoga.
  2. The practical use of mantras as an energetic talisman for radionics broadcasting.
  3. Demonstration of the effects of the radionics broadcasting of mantras.

Glen Rein The Etheric Properties of the Life Force

The Etheric Properties of the Life Force. The relationship between etheric, virtual, and imaginary energy will be discussed from the perspective of contemporary physics, which predicts “ghost fields”, time-reversal, and other strange phenomena. The implications for biology, including phase conjugation behavior, will also be presented.

Pete Radatti – JJ & Practical Innovations for the Radionics Practitioner

Pete will explain how to automate a standard radionics system using computers; store radionics programs in crystals; use radionics jewelry and radionics for art, among other topics.

  1. There are more ways of doing things than just smile and dial.
  2. You can build a library of radionics programs which you can use to save time.
  3. Radionics jewelry is very powerful.

For your convenience, we’ve taken Sunday’s speakers and sectioned them into their own videos.

 Lutie Larsen – Quantum Agriculture in India 2018

Lutie Larsen discusses quantum agriculture in India. Agriculture in India is at a critical crossroad. Modern equipment and agricultural practices are changing traditional small market farming practices. Small farmers, family farms are most vulnerable. Both organic and conventional methods are impacting Indian agriculture. Many of these large farms are funded by the government and private organizations.

James Oschman  – Structure and Properties of the Quantum Information Field: Implications for Homeopathy and Morphic Resonance

Radionics, the morphic field, distant healing, homeopathy, and telepathy may be explainable by the existence of a pervasive quantum information field interacting with all matter, living and non-living, extending throughout the universe. Evidence for the existence of such a field that shapes the fabric of space will be provided.

Beverly Rubik & Harry Jabs – Aether: The Dynamic Substrate of Physical Reality

The fascinating story of aether from Vedic philosophy to contemporary physics with a special focus on new concepts of aether from Einstein to Bohm and beyond.

  1. The aether has always been there and was never really abolished.
  2. Twentieth-century physics re-cast the aether as mathematical abstractions.
  3. The aether explains anomalous phenomena, especially as pertaining to living systems.

Dan Davidson – Aetheric Physics:  Cosmic Structure and Aether Function

The presentation will discuss the use of some Maha Mantras as effective energetic talismans in radionic broadcasts, using analog, digital, or software type devices. The knowledge and techniques developed, tested, and proven by millions of people for thousands of years, can now be applied in the practice of modern radionics.

  1. An introduction to the Vedic tradition of Mantra Yoga.
  2. The practical use of mantras as an energetic talisman for radionics broadcasting.
  3. Demonstration of the effects of the radionics broadcasting of mantras.

Lauren Palmateer – Opening Organs of Perception – The Human Body Antenna

Relating modern science and technical discoveries with analogies to subtle energy science and the work of the French Radiesthessistes leads back to humane and sensitive science.

  1. Current curiosities in science that support Radionics and Radiesthesia principles.
  2. Relationships between the human body antenna and new empirical discoveries in science.
  3. Ideas to mitigate electromagnetic fields: can one construct the electromagnetic “golden grid”?

Harry Jabs  Eclipse Lore and Results of 3 Solar Eclipse Experiments 

Results of experiments conducted during the “The Great American Eclipse” of August, 2017, show anomalous effects on a pendulum, the weight of an object, and ambient electric space charge.

  1. Anomalous physical phenomena have been associated with eclipses throughout history.
  2. Besides alternations in the gravitational field, the consciousness of observers including their expectations may be factors underlying these anomalies.

Daniel Taylor – Accessing and Supplementing Morphogenetic Fields with Radionic Coding Via the Ether

Dan will examine how radionic coding may supplement information in Morphogenetic Fields, thereby “informing” and affecting the resulting states in matter in cases of physical dysfunction.

  1. Through radionics, we are tapping a hyper-dimensional ether.
  2. This Ether, as it is understood in radionics, bears a striking resemblance to the Morphogenetic Field, as proposed by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
  3. Once we see how the Morphogenetic Field acts as a matrix to “guide” the formation of matter, we will show examples of how radionics can be used to “supplement” information in the Morphogenetic Field, that appears to have “gone wrong,” or became garbled, resulting in physical dysfunction. Examples using radionic coding will be provided.