USPA Library Media Room
Since the founding of USPA in 1975, hundreds of top scientists have made presentations at our conferences. These speakers are from the leading edges of science, especially the phenomena of Mind-Body connection, energy and emerging technologies. USPA recorded over 1400 talks during 38 of its41 conferences.
AUDIO RECORDINGS: In 1978, we only had audio cassette tapes. The first eighteen years (plus 2015) of these cassette recordings have now been converted to .mp3 files. Many of these audio files can be ordered and downloaded directly from our Shop. Individual .mp3 Audio lectures are 5.99 each. For large quantity discounts, please contact us at To order these .mp3 talks please go to the SHOP link on this website
VIDEO RECORDINGS: From 1982 to 2002 we recorded to VHS Video tapes. In 2003 we switched to DVDs. Then, in December of 2020, in the middle of the Covid Pandemic, Scott Beutlich, secretary / treasurer of USPA, had a great idea. With the blessing of the board of directors, he vetted several companies for conversion of all of our videos to digital media! He selected two companies and took all the tapes and DVDs to them, half to each, and when the transfers were complete, he volunteered to go through each of them, adding leads, titles and legal disclaimers. It is an ongoing labor intensive project. Once they were formatted, another member of USPA uploaded them to the USPA shop.
Our downloadable Video lectures on .mp4 are $9.99 each. Hundreds of these .mp4 presentations are now readily available in our SHOP on our website at As with the audio recordings, if you are interested in large quantity purchase discounts, please contact us at
Click on the boxes below to download a full list of our conference recordings in pdf format. One lists the recordings by speaker, the other by confernce year.
(Careful before you hit the print button, they are over 40 pages long!)
PUBLICATIONS: All of our Conference Proceedings are now available for purchase in our SHOP– under “Publications.” For a preview of the contents of each book, please click the link below:
CLICK HERE for a pdf Download of All USPA Conference Proceedings Tables of Contents.pdf
Please check our Store often to see what new talks are available for online download. It take some time, but we keep working at it.
If you are a member, or when you join USPA, please check out the “Members ” tab on our website. It is accessible only by paid members. Here you will find many of these conference video and audio recordings available for free viewing/listening.
Also, since mid 2019, USPA has been presenting special monthly Masterclasses, live, online presentations via Zoom. We continued to present these through the pandemic and the series is ongoing as of this writing (February 2024). ALL of the Masterclasses have been recorded! These recordings are available for viewing on the Members only tab. At this point there at 55 of these. (Also available for purchase in our Shop.)
To access to this treasure trove of great presentations, join USPA HERE.