USPA Masterclass #61- The Mystery of Life Energy: Biofield Healing, Phantom Limbs, Group Energetics, and Gaia Consciousness- with Dr. Eric Leskowitz

2-14-2025 1:00 pm.c.t.:  To register to attend this event, click on Eric’s picture and follow the links. Share this link with friends.

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Eric’s Presentation

 Western medicine is the world’s only healing tradition that does not recognize the existence of an invisible healing energy. This talk will present evidence for the reality of life energy and the biofield model of health and illness. I’ll discuss the institutional forces that have resisted this new/old perspective over the past 250 years, and then look at energy’s role in chronic pain (especially phantom limb pain), describe some energy-based group processes (team chemistry, fan energy, global consciousness), and outline the energetics of Mother Earth (from sacred sites and ley lines to stone circles and crop circles).

About Eric

Dr. Eric (Rick) Leskowitz was a consultant psychiatrist for over 25 years with the Pain Management Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where he founded the Integrative Medicine Task Force. He holds an appointment at Harvard Medical School, has studied energy healing, meditation and hypnosis for over 40 years, and has had 50+ articles published in leading scientific journals.  He has also edited three textbooks, and his documentary film about group energies and sports, The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention, was broadcast on PBS. The Mystery of Life Energy is his latest book (

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