11-16-2024 1:00 pm.c.t.: FREE USPA Masterclass #58 “The Nature of Systemic Multidimensionality” with Andrew Michrowski. For more info and a link to attend, click Andrew’s Photo. If you are interested in being a sponsor for this Masterclass, contact Scott at uspsychotronics@yahoo.com 

Link    to attend the Masterclass; Share the link with friends! EVERYONE CAN COME. Send the link to a student you know. It’s FREE

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About this Masterclass

“The Nature of Systemic Multidimensionality”, what will be articulated would be the nature of the cosmic “mind field” as Andrija Puiharich proposed in his Physics of Consciousness series and some possible interfaces between human “thinking” processes and the simultaneous multiple-level consciousness systemics of the Cosmos. Some of these have been historically described by individuals like Rudolf Steiner, some have been addressed by paranormal researchers. With increasingly more insight being obtained in physics an attempt can be made to explain the nature of such evolutionary experience.

About Andrew Michrowski

Dr. Andrew Michrowski is president of the Ottawa based Planetary Association for Clean Energy Incorporated, an international, interdisciplinary scientific society,
concerned with such issues as: electromagnetic pollution, advanced clean energy technologies, ozone depletion, climatic changes and reutilization of waste biomass.
Previously, he served as Senior Analyst for the Secretary of State, and as Chief Planner for Indian Affairs and Northern Development. He is the author of numerous scientific and governmental publications about the environment and has acted as scientific advisor for films and television documentaries.

Politecnico di Milano, Architecture, Urbanism & Regional Planning, with engineering & sciences (Dott. Arch., with honours). Served with Indian & Northern Affairs as Chief Planner, and with Secretary of State as forecaster, policy analyst and program evaluator, including EMF issues.  Authored:  Solutions to the global environmental crisisEM dimension of indoor environments (Indoor Air conference); Edited/co-edited: Basis of Electromagnetic Hygiene, ELF Primer. Scientific advisor NOVA series, TV specials and award-winning documentaries. Headed multi-year Canadian EMF in housing study for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation team. Consumer reports, EMF shielding, electric & hybrid car, and protective testing, safe housing guideline development. Briefs at United Nations, Geneva & New York, & Royal Society of Canada. Legal EMF issues expert witness, expropriation assessment reports.  Galileo Galilei 2017 International Award.