2015 Glen Rein Biomolecular Transitions to Higher Order States from 4D to 5D

2015 Glen Rein Biomolecular Transitions to Higher Order States from 4D to 5D


Biomolecular Transitions to Higher Order States from 4D to 5D


Biomolecular Transitions to Higher Order States from 4D to 5D – audio only

Glen Rein, Ph.D.
Glen Rein earned a Ph.D. in bio(neuro)chemistry from the University of London. He has 14 years of corporate experience in discovering, targeting and applying new technologies and bio-actives in personal care products. Dr. Rein established the Quantum Biology Research Lab, currently in Colorado, for pioneering research on the role of subtle energies in the body and offers contract research for clients (www.innobioteck.com). He has numerous scientific publications and is a board member of several international organizations and professional societies.