1989 Frances Farrelly- Common Denominator of Dowsing and Radionics 2 -Classic USPA Videos 1980s 1989 USPA Conference,Common Denominator of Dowsing and Radionics,Francis Farrelly 49 views You may also like 36:04 1988 James Verdier Communication for Subawareness Sources for Physical Theories and Some of the Results 1:48:23 1989 Bob Beutlich Intro to Theory And Practice of Psychotronics And Radionics 46:15 1986 Bob Beck Psychotronics Radionics – An Historical Review 20:06 1982 Bob Beck Recent Developments in ELF Consciousness Psychotronics and Energy Systems 42:06 1984 Charles Walters – Acres USA – Report on the Current State of Regenerative Agriculture 31:20 1983 George Freibott -Ozone Oxidation treatment 26:18 1986 Eugenia Macer Story Anti-Gravity Reality Does the 5th Force in Physics Relate to ESP PSK and Healing? 1986 Ivan Kruglak- Computerized Mind Mirror 1984 Phil Callahan- Ancient Mysteries and Modern Visions 1:12:56 1989 Beverly Coleman- Self Massage Keeping Our Personal Energy Flowing 1234»Page 1 of 4 Gail Wind2023-02-07T22:31:11-04:00 Share The Info! FacebookTwitterLinkedInGoogle+Email