1982 Bob Beck Recent Developments in ELF Consciousness Psychotronics and Energy Systems 2 -Classic USPA Videos 1980s 1982 USPA Conference,Bob Beck,Developments in ELF Consciousness Psychotronics and Energy Systems 24 views You may also like 26:02 1985 Eugenia Macer Story Matrix Model of Time Density and Telluric Field Characteristics May Describe Gravitational Anomalies 44:11 1985 Elizabeth Rauscher- Examination of Physical Models of Remote Connectedness Phenomena 41:58 1985 Bob Beutlich Three Dimensional Plot of 8 x 8 Matrix I Ching Time Electric Magnetic and Gravity Fields 41:58 1985 Barbara Hero- International Harmony Based Upon Music of Planetary Grid 1:19:01 1983 Sue Wallace- Magnets and Their Use in Healing 48:50 1987 Toby Grotz -Non Hertzian Waves True Meaning of Their Usage in the Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power 50:16 1982 Andrija Puharich Chemical Compounds Receptors of Artificial ELF 1985 Tom Bearden Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America 1:48:22 1988 Marcel Vogel The Structuring of Water by Crystals 1:30:31 1988 Valerie Hunt Scientific Validation of Human EM Field «1234»Page 3 of 4 Gail2024-02-12T17:49:11-04:00 Share The Info! FacebookTwitterLinkedInGoogle+Email